A Diver's Logbook
A designer/ furniture specialist/ scuba diver's logbook... this records her experiences/ frustrations/ successes/ failures and much more.

Advanced OWD


Just to update you. I passed the theory sector for my advanced Open Water Certification! All I gotta do now is not panic during the practical open water dives and I should be on my way.. In fact, the instructor has already asked for my passport photo to send together with the certification card application. Mwhaha! Yea.. but I m kinda worried over 3 specilaty dives since they are with another instructor.. And it’s Malaysia.. you know la..


lol. yay!!! good for u. aiyah dun panic... RELAC ONE CORNER LA.... hahahhaha. :) alamak. sea no corner siahhh how siahhh...

jengah tension jengah tension... we maintain balance ok.. relac relac...

hahaha okok enuf MAT-moment. :) take it easy jo, i'm sure u'll be fine.

WTH?? i dont even know what you're talking about!!!
