A Diver's Logbook
A designer/ furniture specialist/ scuba diver's logbook... this records her experiences/ frustrations/ successes/ failures and much more.

Well, this someone went through great extents to make me believe ( and I did) that it was his last day. he even got his team mate to write me a letter. I am really mad, that my trust is misplaced. So I told him , that was totally immature childish and uncalled for. He was upset that I called him childish and then I said, well, my apologies, since im too serious for the group I will be on my way. Im just totally pissed off at people playing jokes on me. When someone left a cockroach on my desk, I got fuming mad.


I cannot take jokes, I had enough of people playing jokes on me since high school, and people giving me insensitive comments while I was in college. I try hard to trust people and understand them, and be a good friend and buddy. But I hate it when it’s all a stupid joke.


