A Diver's Logbook
A designer/ furniture specialist/ scuba diver's logbook... this records her experiences/ frustrations/ successes/ failures and much more.


How different are robots from humans. Robots think, socialize, act, respond, and they help humans with medical and mental needs.

They talk to introverted kids whom therapists cannot reach. They help cerebal paralysis patients walk by simulating the brain. They make warehouses come alive! Instead of you walking to the racks, the racks walk to you. How amazing is this! Doesn't this sound as if they are better than us?

Because of the uncanny response from humans, robots still look like machines even after decades since the first experiments.

I acknowledge how movies have altered my views to fear in human-like robots , but I also acknowledge that God has created only one of me in this world! And this, is totally mind blowing. :) Thank God it's Friday! (tomorrow)

